Posted in Book, Reviews

Review: Treason by Viv Doyle



Lina has two passions in life: playing The Treason Game online and dreaming about Tyler, the avatar of a fellow gamer. A gifted artist, she applies for an internship with a company whose boss, Aron Taylor, helped to make ‘Treason.’ But could Taylor and Tyler possibly be one and the same? At home, Lina is in constant conflict with her religious mother, who believes all video games to be the Work of the Devil. Her best friend, Kit, who works for another games company, is supportive at first. But then Kit finds a new partner, and her friendship with Lina takes second place. At work, the other game developers are helpful and kind, but although Lina finds Aron Taylor very attractive he seems unapproachable. She can’t bring herself to reveal her online identity, much as she longs to do so. Only when the studio team goes to Paris Games Week is everything resolved, but not at all in the way that Lina expected.


three cup review

The Treason Game started off slowly and then picked up the pace about a quarter way in. I felt that the author was much more excited about the video game aspects of the book then the actual story telling. I feel that people can relate to what Lina is going through, especially young/new adults that are trying to find their own way in life. I do believe that a sexual warning should be attached to this book as a sex scene turns quite rough and may be a trigger to some. It was a good effort for Doyle’s first book.

Posted in Promotion, Reviews, Writing

Okay, this is cool!

Normally when I’m contacted buy a publishing company it’s always thanks, but no thanks; this time was different. Hideaway Fall contacted me through the blog and I am now doing reviews for them! As a thank you,  they sent this sweet welcome package and I expect my first book to review in a few weeks! Cause you know, I have NOTHING to read.

And, also as promised, here is the link to my interview with the authors of The Collective. Please leave a comment in the review letting me know how I did!

(At the moment I am looking for men who write romance, so hit me up if you’d like to talk)


Posted in Reviews, Television

Review: Thirteen Reasons Why (Netflix)


It was a sign, I guess. I had stopped by Target to grab a printer cartridge and was failing miserably at keeping my eyes trained on the tile so I wouldn’t be tempted by anything that would catch my eye. I glanced upon the books (sigh) and a cover stood out more than the rest. 13 Reasons Why. I refused to stop, knowing that as I was already intrigued, it would just piss me off to read the synopsis, fall further in love and not be able to buy it.

It only took me a day and a half to watch the series.  I finished watching this at 5:13 this morning. Basically, I watched it all in one day. Yay, insomnia.


13 Reasons follows the life of Hannah, a high school sophomore in need of a friend. With the help of her high school counselor, she is paired up with another new girl in town, Jessica. From there, two become three as they add in loner, Alex. From there Hannah’s life takes on the twists and turns of the seedier side of high school and how several events (13 to be exact) drove her to commit suicide. And how one boy, Clay, took it upon himself to get justice… however perhaps not the right word… and some how he does.

It is a powerful drama, no-holds barred, and perfectly executed. I told my oldest son to watch it and am trying to figure out how to talk to my youngest about such issues as he is nearing high school and I think it’s already creeping into middle school.

I now want to get the book to read and compare.