Posted in Personal, Promotion, R.OS.E., Self Pub, Writing

So that dream I had?

It came true!

A friend needed help figuring out who to leave a review for Riders on Amazon and I just happened to looked at the product description and low and behold I was #51 in African-American Romance. In the dream I was #51!

I have to admit, I have become refresh obsessed and now at posting this it’s sitting pretty at 45.

When I first found out I had to put the phone down and scream my head off. I am just coming down from my high and really? I don’t think it will ever truly stop. I think I now understand how others making it the first time feel. IT’S CRAZY!

In an impromptu celebration Riders is free for the remainder of today, so please go download a copy and enjoy!


Lisa Arrington is a mother to two wonderful who has always had a passion for writing. Lisa attended a local technical college and received an associate degree in Computer Networking which she put right to use. Lisa currently lives in Southern Arizona with her two sons and when not writing she can be found curled up on her favorite chair with Kindle in hand, reviewing books for her blog, chauffeuring the boys around town for basketball games or playing Candy Crush Soda on her phone. She loves the color blue, can't get enough cherry cheesecake ice cream or Junior Mints and will forever be in a power-struggle over the big screen TV with her youngest child.

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