Posted in Author 101, Writing

Author 101: Takeovers

This is something I recently posted in our group as we are quickly approaching our series first takeover. Hope it helps! 

We are doing a Founder’s Day event on the Peace page which means TAKEOVERS! Whoop whoop! For new authors a takeover is a way to introduce yourself and your book. We really want everyone to sign up for a slot and pimp yourself out. In a good way… y’all know what I mean! So what can I do during a takeover, you may ask? Great question! I for one, will be creating a Facebook page for Lynn, and she will be doing a Q&A, You can also post funny pictures, ask people to caption them, post your media kit into, talk about what Peace means to you and talk about your Facebook page to draw in new likes/readers! So think about it, and when the sign up sheet gets posted I hope that everyone will sign up (even if you have post ahead of time/schedule the posts). If you need more ideas check out takeovers your invited to get ideas or ask here, we can all help each other. Okay, shutting up now. Hope all the mom’s had a great Mother’s Day!