Posted in Author 101, Book, Reviews, Self Pub

Author 101: Reviews

So as I am sitting here feeling like I am being torn into two and waiting for my oldest spawn to get the hell out of the bathroom (sorry, if TMI) I for some reason remembered that I have been meaning to write about review requests and how to help the reader out, if you will.

I, myself, have been writing this type of email a lot lately:

Dear Author,

Thank you for asking me to review your book {insert title here}, however I find myself asking if this is an unedited ARC or something already available to the public instead of being able to focus on the words.

Okay, I’m not that formal, but you get the idea. Currently I AM in the situation above and no matter how much I really want to enjoy this book, I am unable to due to the amount of typos and other grammatical errors that I am encountering. So I will be emailing the author today asking if it is an ARC and if another version is available. If it is the published product (and due to my own review policy) I will not be able to review it. I will give the author my honest opinion and hopefully they will take the time to fix what needs to be fixed and put out a revision. If not… will I tried, right?

And I’m sure there are some readers of this blog that want to cry foul and point out my own grammatical errors. If that is the case, I refer you to an earlier blog post about my condition and how I never promised perfection.

Well, at least, not here. =)



Lisa Arrington is a mother to two wonderful who has always had a passion for writing. Lisa attended a local technical college and received an associate degree in Computer Networking which she put right to use. Lisa currently lives in Southern Arizona with her two sons and when not writing she can be found curled up on her favorite chair with Kindle in hand, reviewing books for her blog, chauffeuring the boys around town for basketball games or playing Candy Crush Soda on her phone. She loves the color blue, can't get enough cherry cheesecake ice cream or Junior Mints and will forever be in a power-struggle over the big screen TV with her youngest child.

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